
MEMBRO DAL 07 Mar 2016
  • app e programmazione
  • Commercialisti e Consulenti
  • Scrittura e Traduzione
  • Italia Lombardia Cilavegna
  • Professionista con P.IVA

Servizi coperti

Firmware/Software Development

We develop firmware for a wide range of microcontrollers, both on Bare-Metal and using the most popular Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS), as well as custom software for desktop and Web environments.

We operate at all levels, from drivers for microcontroller peripherals to device drivers for hardware/software integration, from complete firmware applications to their interfaces on PC (GUI) or touch screens (HMI).

We master the most common programming languages, various analysis and testing tools, as well as different integrated development environments (IDE).

We can design the entire software/firmware architecture from scratch, as well as develop basing on specifications provided by the customer, or even re-adapt and port existing modules to other hardware architectures.

For example, we have a deep knowledge of the TricoreTM/AURIXTM architecture of Infineon Technologies, with the use of HighTec C/C ++ Compiler Suite toolchain and HighTec PXROS-HR real-time operating system, certified for safety-critical applications up to SIL3 (IEC 61508) / ASIL D (ISO 26262) level.

• Firmware development in C.
• Porting of pre-existing firmware.
• Device driver development.
• Bootloader development.
• Development of human/machine interfaces both on PC (GUI) and on touch panels (HMI).
• SW development for MS Windows®.

• Microcontrollers: Infineon TricoreTM/AURIXTM, STM32 ARM®-Cortex®, …
• Bus: CAN / I2C / SPI / RS232 / RS485 / USB / Modbus, …
• Peripherals: ADC, DAC, DMA, Timer, …
• Programming languages: ANSI C, C/C++, HTML + CSS + JavaScript, …
• Libraries: Qt, SQlite, …
• Development tools: HighTec C/C++ Compiler Suite, STM32CubeIDE for STM32, Eclipse® IDE, Qt Creator, Microsoft Visual Studio …
• Other tools: GIT, Doxygen, Cppcheck, Vector VectorCAST, PEAK System PCAN-Explorer, Wireshark, …

Project Management

We can take care of all, or part, of the activities related to the management of a firmware/software development project: from the analysis of the requirements to the definition of the specifications, from development to testing, up to the drafting of all the project documentation.

• Requirements Analysis.
• Specifications Definition.
• Architecture Design.
• System Design.
• Module Design.
• Implementation/Coding.
• Module/Unit Tests.
• Integration Tests.
• System Tests.
• Documentation.
Where required, we can manage the development of safety-critical projects, following the most relevant standards, including:
• IEC 61508 - Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems (E/E/PE, or E/E/PES).
• ISO 26262 - Road vehicles – Functional safety.
• MISRA C - Guidelines for the Use of the C Language in Critical Systems.

Technical Writing

We write and translate brochures, catalogues, datasheets, manuals, technical specifications, etc.

We localize graphical interfaces (GUI) and Human Machine Interfaces (HMI).

We develop technical articles, popular works and teaching material.

• Languages: English, German, Italian.
• Sectors: electrical engineering, electronics, electro-mechanics, ICT, mechanics, science, ...

Esperienze e Studi

AURIX Infineon Technologies 
Firmware Development 
Software Development 

Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica  
M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering  

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