Martina Redruello

MEMBRO DAL 30 Mag 2024
  • fotografo
  • fotografo eventi
  • post produzione
  • fotografia commerciale
  • fotografia primo piano
  • ritratto fotografico
  • book fotografico
  • fotografia glamour
  • fotografi e riprese
  • food photography
  • fotografi e riprese
  • Italia Piemonte Torino

Servizi coperti

I discovered the beauty of photography when I was thirtheen, when I got my first reflex camera that I still have with me, after years.
At the beginning photography was an amusement, but after that I started to see a different world, much more different from the one I was seeing without a camera. I thought I could share it with the people around me.
Photography has a deep meaning to me,
and it is through this meaning that I grew up.

Esperienze e Studi

Diploma di Maturità in Turismo  

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Parlano di AddLance Martina Redruello Martina Redruello Martina Redruello Martina Redruello Martina Redruello Martina Redruello